Castle App [Apks] Latest & Old Versions Download (All Versions) 2024

Want to Download Castle Apk old versions? then is the only choice for you because we provide you all apks of castle app old releases.

castle app

Castle App Details

NameCastle App
Size47.7 MB
Android7.0 and above
DeveloperCastle Team
Total Download1000000+
Last Updated1 Hour Ago

Castle App has become one of the most popular mobile apps for free movies, TV shows, web series, and live streams. With its smooth interface and vast content library, it’s easy to see why it has amassed millions of loyal users.

Like all apps, Castle is updated frequently with new features and fixes. But sometimes users can benefit from installing an older version of Castle instead.

castle app old version

In this post, we’ll explain what Castle old versions are, why you may want them, provide download links for various Castle old version APKs, and answer some frequently asked questions.

What are Castle App Old Versions?

Castle old versions refer to previous releases of the Castle App from its development history. They predate the current, latest version available.

Reasons you might choose an old version include:

  • Your device isn’t compatible with new versions
  • Testing stability issues
  • Prefer key features from previous iterations
  • Can be usable on lower Android versions

Having the APK files for old versions gives you the flexibility to install prior iterations of Castle easily.

Why Use a Castle App Old Version?

Here are some of the most common reasons to use an old version of Castle App:

Compatibility: Older devices or Android OS versions may no longer be supported by the latest Castle, creating installation or usage issues. An old version can solve this.

Stability: Newer app versions sometimes introduce temporary bugs that get patched later. An old version likely won’t have newer issues.

Features: You may prefer key features or interface elements from previous releases that changed.

Performance: If your device is older, an old version may run faster compared to recently updated builds.

Castle App Old Version Download Links

Here are working download links for some of the most popular old versions of Castle App still available right now:

castle app
VersionRelease DateDownload Link
v1.8.3March 2023Download
v1.8.4May 2023Download
v1.8.5September 2023Download
v1.8.6November 2023Download

Castle App mod apk archives only available from version 1.8.5 to latest.

As an old APKs lover you might love old uc browser or old xender apk.

FAQs About Castle Old Versions

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about using older variants of the Castle App:

Is it safe to use an old version?

Yes, installing an older official build directly from Castle’s site is 100% safe. Just avoid any unknown source claiming to offer old Castle APKs. Stick to the official links.
You can also read, is castle app safe?

Why would I need an old version of Castle App?

If you have an older or lower-spec phone that has compatibility problems running new versions of Castle, then switching to an old stable release can resolve installation and crashing issues.

How do I download an old version of Castle App?

Click on one of the version links in our table above to download that previous Castle release, then open the APK file on your device and install it normally after allowing apps from “unknown sources” in your Android security settings temporarily.


We hope this quick guide has shed light on what Castle old versions are and why they can be incredibly useful to install in some situations compared to only using the latest release.

Now you have several direct links to conveniently roll back to a previous variant of Castle for stability, compatibility, feature, and performance benefits. Enjoy exploring both the latest and greatest castles, as well as proven, reliable past iterations.

Let us know if you have any other Castle Old Version questions!

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